Lost Children of Babylon "The 911 Report - The Ultimate Conspiracy" (Audio CD) |
The 911 Report - The Ultimate Conspiracy is the third album from Lost Children of Babylon, released in 2006 on Babygrande Records. The album's theme is the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, and it is considered one of the most controversial hip-hop albums of recent times. On the first track "Warning: Boxcutterz on Airplanes" the group retells the attack from the perspective of the lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. LCOB don't glorify the event and they criticize the terrorists in the outro of the song. On the next track, they pay tribute to all victims of the attack and the following wars. The following songs are about the events before 9/11, that may have led to the attack, and about the aftermath. |